In vitro fertilization (IVF)

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In vitro fertilization (IVF)


There are several reasons when patient requires IVF. For instance, it can be due to blockage of the fallopian tube or ovarian disorders. Other causes included weak concentration of sperms or its inability to fertilize the egg, uterine fibroids, tubal sterilization, genetic disorders, etc.


In the first step, the ovaries are stimulated with gonadotrophins injections for 10-12 days to form multiple eggs. After that, a transvaginal ultrasound is done to see the response to injections. Once the eggs are ready, a trigger shot is given. After 36 hours, mature eggs are removed under anesthesia with help of transvaginal ultrasound with a special needle. Eggs are then handed over to the embryologist. Then, the embryologist fertilize eggs with sperms and embryo forms are transferred inside the uterus. However, you can also freeze the embryo or eggs for future use.